A review by pages_and_procrastination
The Goddess Twins by Yodassa Williams

I was given a digital copy of this title, free, in exchange for my honest opinion.

The cover pulled me in. I requested this without knowing what it was about -only that it looked like speculative fiction. Then I found out that it was written by an author of color and I knew then that it didn't matter - I was going to read it. I really wish that I could say that I loved this book - I wanted to. What I can say it that it is good for what it is and the author has so much potential. I would definitely read something else by Williams, probably not in this world though. While I think that there is enough unanswered questions to warrant a second book, I don' think the story requires it. Especially if it's going to follow a predictable storyline. For this one - it was decent for what it is: a YA fantasy for an audience that is just dipping their toes into the genre. The things that I enjoyued the most was that it was short and easily readable. We didn't get enough Arden or Aurora to be able to distinguish which perspective you were reading from. The characters carried this story and it was wobbly. There are moments in the story that I enjoyed and I felt rose above just being decent. Though these were few and far between. There was a lot of telling and not enough showing. This probably would have read better if it was a fleshed out stand alone instead of a the beginning of a series (or whatever the plan is).