A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis


The moment I read the synopsis for this book on Netgalley I knew I had to have it. Even though I also knew this book was totally gonna break my heart. Into a million little pieces. Or at least, I hoped the book would do so. I like it when books do that. And yet, when I started reading and felt the disaster in the air, for a long time I couldn't get myself to read on. I already felt the pain before the heartbreaking scenes had started happening!

And I'd say that's a huge compliment for the book. Within a few chapters I had already grown attached to these characters. They felt like old friends, as if I already knew them for years, as if they felt familiar and close to me. Watching their adventures, watching them grow and learn, watching them take charge and being strong, watching them breaking and shattering, it was as if it was all happening to me. My heart was breaking. I was shattering. I felt the triumphs and the losses. The love and the pain. The dreams and the failures.

On top of the awesome characters, who clearly carried the book, there was also this gripping plot. It stayed in the background for a long while, giving the characters the time to bond and to find their place in the story, but once the plot came into plain view the story exploded. The finale of this book was epic. So much was happening, so many elements came together, all the build up was paying off. Not that the build up was boring, far from it. The story was never boring, even though it was quite long. But the finale? The finale was breathtaking heartbreaking phenomenal.

And last but not least: The world in this story was beautiful and very well described. I could almost smell the ocean and feel the cold. Although we've only seen a relatively small part of the world, the part we did see came to life quite well. And considering the ending, I'm pretty sure we're gonna see more of the world in the next book(s)!

I personally can't wait to read them! I also can't wait to put this book on my shelves and for everyone in the US: There is a pre-order campaign you don't wanna miss if you love a heartbreaking romance, a vivid world and a slow plot with an epic finale! https://www.kaitlyndavisbooks.com/2019/11/the-raven-and-dove-cover-reveal-and-pre.html