A review by literarylawgirl
The Clothing of Books by Jhumpa Lahiri


”The right cover is like a beautiful coat, elegant and warm, wrapping my words as they travel through the world, on their way to keep an appointment with my readers.”

Summary: Originally written in Italian and titled Il vestito dei libri, this essay was crafted as a keynote speech that Lahiri was asked to deliver for the 9th edition of the Festival degli Scrittori in Florence.
It was later translated to English by Lahiri’s husband.

Thoughts: This is an insightful and delightful tribute and analysis of book covers - their purpose and transformational impact to the words contained inside. Another beautifully written work by one of my favorite contemporary authors.

“. . .a cover is a sort of translation, that is, an interpretation of my words in another language —a visual one. “

“The wrong cover is cumbersome, suffocating. Or it is like a too-tight sweater: inadequate.”

“The naked book doesn’t interfere.”

“If the process of writing is a dream, the book cover represents the awakening.”