A review by betwixt_the_pages
Midnight Sky: A Dark Sky Novel by Amy Braun


There are secrets, there are betrayals, and there are sacrifices…

The Behemoth has been destroyed, and the bloodthirsty Hellions seem to have left Westraven. But Claire Abernathy’s mind is not at ease. A terrible disease plagues her sister, appearing to have been brought on the Vesper, the leader of the Hellions beyond the tear between worlds– the Breach.

To save Abby and stop the Hellions for good, Claire must find the machine her parents built before the attacks, and fix it before the monsters return. To do so, she needs the help of her crew, and must ignore the secrets and rivalries between her captain and the man she saved.

Because the Hellions are not the only dangers following Claire. Twisted humans and old enemies surface to stop her and destroy all she loves. While she is determined to endure the trials, a single betrayal could shatter the hope of a better world, and force Claire to make a choice that will cost her dearly…

Rating: 4.75/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: OW, MY HEART! No, seriously, I'm pretty sure it just snapped into a trillion tiny pieces; once again, vampires versus pirates!; annoying love triangle used for plot; creeptastic characters and situation; THAT ENDING SHATTERED ME!; the idiot character stops being an idiot only to have the entire world fall to pieces

HUGE thanks to Amy Braun and Xpresso Book Tours for granting me early access to this title in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my opinions of or read on this book.

"You really didn't think you would come back here?" Sawyer asked softly. "Ever?"

I shook my head. "After my mother told me to take Abby and run, I never looked back. I never thought I would have to." I looked down, clutching my knees tighter to my chest. "Guess the past catches up to you."

"It never really leaves," he agreed quietly. "We just blind ourselves to it."

AND I SWEAR, THAT ENDING! I might look calm and collected on the outside, but guys, I am screeeeeeching so loud on the inside right now. I can't even. I don't want to. I just... NO. No, give me these cinnamon roll characters and let me hug them close and love them for the rest of forever and tell them everything will be juuuuust fine. Let me do that, won't you?! Because I cannot even with that cliffhanger ending. I just can't, and you can't make me. I refuse.

Seriously though--this series? You NEED this series in your life. Let me just word-vomit a few things here to tell you why you need this series in your life, yes? Okay. Let's see. Vampires. Pirates. Steampunk. Alternate worlds. Aliens. Vampire aliens. Steampunk pirates. The sweetest love of EVARRRRRR. Strong family connections. SO. MUCH. DRAMA. Action/adventure. ...Is that good enough for you yet? No? Well then.

"It's not your fault, Claire. It never was."

"Then why does it hurt?" Why did my heart feel like lead?

He turned me so I was facing him, staring into kind blue eyes and a smile that warmed every inch of me.

"Because you care. You want to do the right thing." His smile wavered. "But the right thing is never easy, and sometimes it doesn't take the form you think it will."

These characters are sassy, stubborn, and strong-willed. They breathe life across every page. They seep beneath your skin and wrap themselves around your veins. You will be rooting for them before you even realize what's happening--trust me, this is a thing! These characters are, in my opinion, EVERYTHING I could ever ask for in a book--and more. Of course, there was one character I was very disgruntled with at the end of book one...and for pretty much the entirety of this book...who FINALLY, FINALLY! saw the light and took his head out of his butt, only to have the entire world fall apart around him. Because booooooo, that happens. But YAY for other things that happened before the world blew up! (I know, I know, this literally makes no sense but...SPOILERS!)

And this story! THIS. STORY! It is action/adventure taken to extremes. There is, obviously, a love story happening. There is a love triangle that, sadly, was used to propel the plot further. There is jealousy, and drama, and angst, and betrayal, and battles, and heartache, and.... Gah, pretty much every emotion you could imagine comes into play in these books in some way, and it's beautiful. Also, they're very quick reads--I finished both Crimson Sky and Midnight Sky in pretty much one short sitting, and didn't even realize I was speeding through them until I hit the 90% mark and blinked around like a lunatic.

When Davin opened his jaws, I saw death. It was a black cavern filled with swords and smelled like blood. The moment those jaws clamped onto my throat, I felt that death.

Basically, these books are gold, and everybody needs to read them. Because I said so. They're entertaining, quick to get through, and filled with snarky action scenes. You won't regret picking this series up, guys, so if you're into steampunk pirates, alien vampires, and emotionally-charged battles... Well, DO IT! Do it and don't look back--I certainly won't be! (But...now I am desperate for book three, and we all know how patient I am. Which is not at all. BOOK THREEEEE, I NEED YOU!)