A review by stephenrotzschthomas
The Adventures of Tintin Volume 1: Tintin in the Land of the Soviets / Tintin in America (Tintin, #1,3) by Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper, Hergé, Michael Turner


The first volume of collected Tintin books loses points out the gate for omitting the second title, Tintin in the Congo. On the face of it, the omission makes sense - there's plenty of racist stereotypes in that book. But I'm still unsure why it's worth leaving out of what would otherwise make for a full set of Tintin books. After all, the two titles featured here are hardly without flaws themselves.

Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, which I was reading for the first time, differs significantly from other titles in the series. It's also terrible. Having been a serialised comic for an anti-communist title, it's both episodic and little more than propaganda.

Tintin in America features racist tropes of its own, and though a significant improvement on the first (particularly artistically), it's still overly long and frequently a bit boring. A lot of reliance on deus ex machina to save Tintin from his various scrapes.

An important starting point for collectors, that'd be more useful still if it included the second title. Otherwise though, not a great Tintin volume at all.