A review by esbe
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One 1929–1964: The Greatest Science Fiction Stories of All Time Chosen by the Members of the Science Fiction by Robert Silverberg


I thoroughly enjoyed this Hall of Fame Volume, but I wouldn't have expected to say that when I first started reading. The first short stories were difficult for me to read because they were not particularly well written, and they were so obviously written by men with a male gaze.

The stories got better in the 1930s, though. The 1940s and 50s brought us fascinating, creative ideas in sci-fi, and I found myself devouring this volume.

A small note and warning for those who have not yet read Flowers for Algernon: get ready with a tissue or two. Having read it multiple times, it still makes me weep.

I hadn't yet read any Zelazny until the final story, but I am intrigued. He reminds me a bit of William Gibson, lite. I may need to read more.

Overall, a good read, a nice sampling, and a great beginning for rich discussion amongst fellow sci-fi nerds.