A review by bobthebookerer
The Voids by Ryan O'Connor


The Voids starts in the grim tower block that gives this books its name- condemned housing where all hope appears lost.

The book soon moves us through the whirlwind life of somebody whose sense of reality and security is rapidly falling away from him. Drugs, family breakdown and trauma all circle around our narrator's life and threaten to pull him under.

Although this subject matter appears to be well-trodden ground, with echoes of novels like Trainspotting, this book is made exceptional by its quality of writing, and the tenderness that beats just beneath the surface, even in its darkest set-pieces.

As the book comes to its close, the language of this deceptively short book just soars- the final ten pages of this book left me almost euphoric, and rank among some of the tightest and smartest endings that I've read in a very long time, where its generous prose just sings and demands to be soaked in.

I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley and Scribe UK in exchange for an honest review.