A review by jayati
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi


Let me just start by saying that I love how normal Sana and Rachel's sexuality has been portrayed. They are both very much out of the closet and it was accepted and never really questioned in an outright way during the course of the book and it just felt so good to see the lbgtq+ community be seen as something normal and not as something to be hyped and brought into focus in an extravagant manner.
It felt really good to see them accepted, just like a m/f love story would've been.

Secondly, the enemies to lovers trope was displayed really perfectly. I mean, they weren't technically enemies, they just disliked each other and got annoyed with each other due to a misunderstanding but I think that made the 'hate' more realistic than an over exaggerated story would've.
The transformation was slow and gradual yet fast enough not to make it feel drawn out and I absolutely loved it!

I loved the author's ability to dish out everything in correct quantities to make it obvious enough as well as not too over the top.

Thirdly, the plot line was amazing and I loved the way ti was carried out! The characters developed through the course of the book. Perfect Sana got an opportunity to find out who she is when she fails and Plain Rachel got to know what it meant to be special. It showed different parts of humans and really helped me connect to the characters.

Lastly, I loved the writing. It literally flowed out of the page and was so addictive that I could finish the entire book in just one sitting!

Overall, this book was pretty great and you all should try it because it is amazing and deserves more recognition!