A review by lou_mac
The Beautiful Dead by Belinda Bauer


The beautiful dead is a great page turner, but also infuriating in parts. The main character does things and you just think.. Why? But, I've never been targeted to publisize a serial killer so what do I know.

At its core, this is a book about the different ways you can be lonely - the successful crime reporter who is caring for a dad with dementia and tells noone, the neighbour who's wife and child are dead and can't bring himself to befriend his community, and let's not forget the guy who has none of his (seemingly abusive) family left so (naturally) becomes a murderer.

Like I said, the books a page turner, but I didn't feel like there were quite enough twists and turns to keep me on the edge of my seat until the very end - I think because we find out a fair amount about the killer quite early on so the suspense of his motives didn't hang in the air.

Anyway, I kept going but probably wouldn't re-read.