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A review by ashleynoelle
Incendiary by Zoraida Córdova


There were things I loved here...and things I didn't. So here I am with my middle of the road feelings.

The concept and setting here, really tried to hold me captive...and I think they could have, if the pacing wasn't so freaking slow!!!!! I love the world building and the era this world is inspired by. The magic system is pretty cool too, but I wish we got more details about it. Like, why can Renata steal memories while others can create illusions and manipulate emotions...who get's which power and how?

My other issue was predictability. I saw the "twists" coming from the beginning and I know this is YA so maybe it is just me or whatever, but I still like it when the author can shock me and throw something at me that I'm unprepared for.