A review by melg14
Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) by L.C. Rosen


3.5 stars

I really loved the sex positive advice and messages that Jack replies with. I think that’s very important in YA. There were many important messages like straight girls fetishizing gay men, consent, a sexuality, sex ed, etc.)

However, overall I found the books lacking a bit. There wasn’t much to go off with the mystery where the reader would be able to guess who done it. That left me bored a little and wishing there was another interesting subplot going on (usually there is a romantic subplot but Jack is a no relationship guy rn). I found the adults in this book super frustrating especially Jack’s mom, I personally think she was a bad parent. Like why even have a child and not put in effort to have a better relationship? Why leave him to himself once he was able to do stuff on his own so she can advance in her career? I didn’t really. Are for his friends too tbh, Jenna annoyed me and Ben was okay. We don’t even know what happened with the stalker once they are caught or even a definitive answer as to why they stalled Jack.