A review by jessiebwriting
The Emotionary by Eden Sher


A friend of mine had recommended this to me a few months back during a conversation about teaching emotional regulation and identifying emotions. I had been talking about how some of the students I work with can't find the words to describe what they are feeling and how I haven't been able to help them find that right word. That's when she recommended this book to me and what a joy this has been to read!
The English language is vast and very confusing, but there are still many words we do not have for things, the multitude of feelings humanity has being just one area of this. This is further evident when we look at the words that exist in other languages for feelings that English has no translation for (though honestly, if it describes the feeling, why do we need an English translation for it?).  Eden Sher struggled with being able to verbally share her feelings and when she couldn't find an existing one, she just... made one up! The Emotionary is where she had collected all the words she has created to describe all those previously indescribable feelings.
I love this book! So many of these feelings/emotions I recognized and would immediately think "OMG, I've felt that!" And it was such fun and exciting to be able to have a label for it, a verbal representation for something that was previously difficulty to share with others. I can definitely see myself utilizing this with others - actually I already have!