A review by barnsey
The Children God Forgot by Graham Masterton


I always start a review of any Graham Masterton book with a little of my own (ancient) history. During the 1980s my teenage years were spent devouring Masterton's horror novels. School homework? Pfft, what school homework?! I loved getting my hands on anything he'd written. As he has aged so have I. Now, almost 40 years later, I feel immensely nostalgic whenever a new Masterton book is published.

Well, what can I say except that this was one crazy bizarre read! Malformed foetuses are hopping from womb to womb. Yes, you heard me right! Imagine going to bed and sensing movement underneath the bedcovers. Suddenly you're wide awake fighting off a spider-like creature with an oversized cherubic baby's head. As if that's not terrifying enough, it's creeping up your legs trying to burrow itself inside you, EEK!

I really enjoyed this book, the second in the series featuring DC Jerry Pardoe and DS Jamila Patel. It was such a fun read with likeable characters. Yes, it was gory and definitely not for the fainthearted but those of us who've grown up reading twisted 1980s horror will love it.

Set in multi-cultural London, it contained a fair amount of British humour which lightened the mood — there were moments when I literally couldn't stop laughing at the sheer craziness! It was outrageously entertaining and I do hope a third book is in the pipeline.

Book Source: Review copy from the publisher
Read my review on my blog: https://bit.ly/2LTuoxO