A review by lolasreviews
November by Audrey Carlan


November was a nice change of pace compared to the previous episodes, but at the same time it felt a bit dull. I feel like this whole review is going to be a list of contradictions as I liked it and at the same time it left me feeling underwhelmed. There are things going on, but I didn't really feel the urge to keep reading. Then again that also was part of what I did enjoy about this episode, Mia is working her new job as some sort of a talk show hosts basically and goes out to interview people. She's settling more comfortable in her relationship with Wes and some family related things happen.

This episode felt pretty down to earth and normal, with enough going on to keep your interest, but at the same time it had a different feel from the previous episodes. It's an important part of the journey and I like seeing Mia finally find her place, but on the other hand I also am ready to finish this series. With thanksgiving coming up Mia goes to interview some people about what they are thankful for, so we actually get to see a bit of her job. It was fun, but also a bit too much at times. Everyone has these heartwarming and cheesy answers and I don't know, it just felt a bit off somehow to me.

Then there is a sex scene where they have sex at a time and place that just felt wrong to me. She's doing her best to work hard and keep her job and then she does something so unprofessional. And ofcourse no one cares that she got so horny she had to have sex right there and then with her man. As if it was normal. I thought it showed lack of responsibility and it bothered me a bit. It just unrealistic. By now I find myself mostly skimming the sex scenes. I guess after reading so many of them over the course of the series I don't really care about them too much anymore. There is a bit of conflict added, but it's just something minor and gets fixed soon again. Wes seems mostly back to his old self and while I liked that, as I didn't quite care for the twist with what happened to him, it also felt like he recovered a bit too fast.

On the family front there are some interesting developments, plans are made and Mia meets up with her sister and brother again. There was a nice scene at the end involving her father. Mia sees a few of her friends again and side characters from previous books, which was nice. All in all this episode was pretty upbeat, maybe a bit over the top happy at times and almost felt like this would be the last book with how everything was getting wrapped up. I read a few lines of the chapter 1 of December that was at the end of the book so I have a bit of an idea where that book will be about. I guess it makes sense that that will be the topic for the last book as that's the only open end left. I am looking forward to reading that and seeing how this story ends.

To summarize: November was a nice read, but also felt a bit underwhelming. At times it was a bit much, almost over the top happy and cheesy at times. On the other hand i did like the change in pace and seeing Mia happy and finding her place. There was a sex scene where the time and place bothered me a bit and I thought it was a bit unprofessional how Mia acted. There are quite some side characters who make an appearance again, which was neat. Some lose ends that are tied up and plans for the future that are made. It's obvious the series is coming at an end and it almost felt like this was the last book already. Only one more episode now, I am curious to see how it all ends.