A review by canada_matt
Face Off by David Baldacci


The premise of the FACEOFF collection is one sure to intrigue any fiction buff; pit popular characters from best-selling series together or against one another and see what falls out. As Baldacci explains in his introduction, it is more of a headache than two authors teaming up to create a crossover, thanks to the legalities of publishing contracts. While I choose not to summarise each of the stories within this collection, I will admit that seeing the likes of Nick Heller and Jack Reacher, Patrick Kenzie and Harry Bosch, and even Sean Reilly and Glen Garber working in tandem opens the reader's mind to many interesting possibilities, all of which are realised in a number of short stories. This collection of authors have spun some wonderful tales, all filled with thrills and spills, with twists that keep the action growing from start to finish. While I am not familiar with a number of the characters, each has some interesting traits sure to intrigue readers familiar with at least a handful of them, as they live out short adventures on the page. A wonderful collection featuring many interesting characters living and working in their own respective elements.

While this collection was full of wonderful stories, each unique in its own right, there is a downside of bringing so many authors together. Learning about new characters and their individual nuances has looped me into wanting to discover more about them, as well as read about their stand-alone adventures. With a pile of books sure to drown me already, I cannot afford to add new authors to my overflowing quiver. I will keep this collection close at hand, as there were some characters who piqued my interest and left me wanting more.

Kudos, Mr. Baldacci, et al. for all your hard work and dedication to this project. I had a blast reading these short stories and hope a similar collection comes out again soon, perhaps from other members of the thriller guild.