A review by entirelybonkerz
The Reckoning by Susanne Valenti, Caroline Peckham


Here I am, continuing this series because I made a promise to all my followers that I was going to read the entire thing,

so I can finally understand why people love it so much.

I can definitely see the writing improvement when you compare this to book 1-2, but my opinion remains the same: THIS BOOK HAD NO BUSINESS BEING NEARLY 600 PAGES LONG NO - BUSINESS!

There is so much that is absolutely useless, so much that should be cut out and rewritten and I really believe this series deserves this. I wish they would rewrite, or that someone will do that in fanfic form eventually.

A lot of things haven't changed.

- Tory is still the worst and most annoying twin.

- Darius is still pathetic and his daddy issues are screaming so loud that he PUNCHED AN IPAD, instead of punching a wall.

-Seth is still the worst character I have ever read about since Sean from Flock.

- This still feels like a Winx Club episode.

- We get a lot of weird gay interaction between the boys that make it seem like they're making fun of M/M attraction. Like it's something to laugh about. They have certain magic bonds that make them sexually attracted to each other even if they are not necessarily homosexual, it just rubs me the wrong way that it's being treated as a joke.

The only salvageable thing that ALMOST...and I say ALMOST, made me forget how bad these books actually are: Darcy and Orion.

There is no secret, teacher-student romances are my favorite thing in the world. So please, I am SO BIASED. It takes 3 entire books for us to get some development of any kind and the only ones who deserve it are right here.

The whole blue or green thing? JESUS THAT SCENE WAS NEARLY PERFECT.

Blue means you????!!!!!

For the non-readers [who don't plan on ever reading this series] who are curious and don't care about spoilers read the next part in italic, if you care about spoilers, skip it >

Orion, her teacher, nicknamed her blue because of the blue streak she had in her hair. That blue piece of hair gets cut by one of the heirs against her will and once she finally grows her hair back, Orion flirts with her by saying: what color are you dying it next? Green or Blue? If you do blue, it means you like me. So in one desperate full moon night, this bitch GOES TO HIS SLEEPING QUARTERS in the middle of the night, he opens the door and she just stands there with a fully dyed blue head and just says: BLUE. And he also tells her that Blue in solaria means royal, but to him, blue means her.

The scene was nearly perfect, but they ruin it by making Orion ask a dumb question after she goes through all that trouble for him, AS USUAL. We can't win. Do you know how much work it is to dye your entire hair? lmao, anyways, but yeah they finally fuck and it's adorable.

Orion has the best quotes in this entire series so far.

If you don't kiss me I am going to lose my mind????

I honestly believe that it's the dynamic for me. I am a fan of teacher-student romances, ergo, I love everything about these two. Is it worth it to read the entire series just for the CRUMBLES you get of their relationship? It depends... I'd say no. Because of the time you have to invest in it to get to this point.

Darcy is the reasonable twin and the only person I'd actually want on a throne one day because Tory is just like the heirs, stupid, mindless, and a waste of space.

Anyways, I won't lie though, it does get easier to understand how people got addicted to this series. It's just the sort of mindless reading you have to do to keep going and you get used to the characters at some point. I will move on to book 4, people say this will make you or break you.

The ending of this book was still super underwhelming and predictable but I am glad I know their orders now. I am honestly just reading this out of sheer curiosity and maybe even a little bit of FOMO at this point, but I will rage if they ruin Darius' and Tory's character development. I swear, I will.

One star for the blue hair scene, one star for Darcy and one for Orion.

But it's what I always say, if you have to invest over 2000 pages and four books to even begin to understand or get a grasp of the series as a whole, is it even worth going through it? Maybe if you have a loooooooooot of time and nothing else to read.