A review by lacifaeria
Ice Cream Man #8 by Chris O'Halloran, W. Maxwell Prince, Martín Morazzo, Vanesa Del Ray


Yeah, this is Ice Cream Man all day. It's a seamless descent into the chaos of human life, all frail and undignified. And when you realize that last little bit....who's in the ambulance....it kinda gives you a horrifying different kind of shudder. The shudder of hopelessness because whoever or whatever it is, that Ice Cream Man is out there now and we're all damned as a result.

I can't even express how much this series makes me happy. It's beautifully dark. And this floating between stand-alone issues but with an overarching nemesis/catalyst is really fitting because of how fluid all of the insights into human behavior is casually woven throughout. All of the issues have space to breathe and resonate. I usually need a few mins after every one to just let that horror sink in...and as grotesque as the graphic horror, nothing even compares to the desolate revelations about human nature. I guess we really are the monsters at the end of the book. I just really love this series.