A review by alyssaindira
Rule by Ellen Goodlett


*no spoilers were harmed in the making of this review*

""This court, it's just another battlefield, only with less practical armor"

Hey guys, so I finished Rule (Rule, #1) by Ellen Goodlett. Let me just get my bias out there, I honestly thought and hoped to heck that it was not similar to Three Dark crowns, because I did not really enjoy that novel all to much. So i came into the book with slightly negative mindset. To my delight surprise, I enjoyed this book very much, and it didn't have the same feel and read as three dark cronws, in my opinion. I liked the authors writing, it wasn't too frivolous or junked up with careless detail, at least not for the majority of the book, there were a few spots, for world and scene building, but that was it. Other than that, the details were only there to truly help the story along, or to let you glimpse inside a characters mind, what they were thinking, feeling, etc. SO i really enjoyed how easily i could read, understand, absorb and get lost in the story. And it didn't feel too discombobulated, with to having three individual povs but parallel and interwoven storylines. It read smoothly, depsite the separation of character arcs. It ran even better when those arcs intersection with one another. HOnestly the joining of them was one of my favorite things about this book, the way the povss bounced off one another or complemented each other. SO yes, i like the writing. I also like how the mystery element was drafted into the story. Sometimes it can be hard to you knowk build suspense, or deliver clues or all that or discuss the suspect narrowing process, etc. But I felt like the author did a good job at conveying the mystery and running through the evidence and the suspect. All the pieces of the mystery fit into categories or position and the characters used those pieces to construct narratives or run through potential blackmailers. I like how they used what they knew to try and determine the blackmailer. It fit together perfectly. They didn't leave anyone out of the suspect pool, they were thorough and just great. I personally had my eye on a potential suspect towards the beginning of the book before it was evena possibility, so i didnt actually consiner anyone else, cause I was that sure in my prediction. And well.....yeah......That ending man. I feel so...betrayed? I mean we, they, us, did all the work then that happens?? Are you kidding me. All that drama and danger...for that??? UGH. I feel so jipped. Truly. SO yeah, other than the ending, that book was really good. It had some action scenes, and danger, and of course there was always the implied danger, more of that than actual danger. It centerd heavily around court intrigue and the process of solving the mystery, rather than their potential secrets being...ya know. I was a little bummed there awsnt alot of actual danger regarding spilled secrets, but again, that wasn't the novels focus. Though it would have upped the stakes, tremendously and made for Delicious drama. But then again, i suppose there was enough drama. Don't wanna overwhelm the reader. The drama surrodunign reach of the characters....I swear. MAN. Okay, so each of the characters, the three sisters, had their own individual stories and pasts that threaten their future. It was rallly interesting to see how they dealt with the danger looking over them in the present. Each had their own unique way of going about things. It was really cool, for that is when heir own personalities, beliefs, mindsets, bubbled to the surface. Then once those individual arcs crisscrossed. man that was something! Yes, each of the characters have their own strengths and weaknesses, and on their own. those are really big flaws, but together, they complement each other amazingly. Of course. Zofi was my fav. Ren was..okay. And Akey, damn that girl, i think she had the most drama out of all of em to be honest. But yeah, i like how the characters acknowledged their flaws and their strengths, but didn't let that stop them from fighting back, in their own way.That drama revolved around romance, forbidden romance for...i would say all of the characters based on their own reasons. Lukcily, the romance wasn't that big of a player in this novel, sure it contributed to the plot and the characters motives, directions, etc, but it didn't take over the story, in my opinion. It had its spotlight, every now and then , but that wasnt the primary focus, and i am glad. One of the main focuses, which is one of the BIGGEST reasons why i really liked this book, was the magic/culture involved. The magic that surrounds their world is so intriging. I never read about anyting like it before. Perhaps that is why I was so captivated with the arts. I mean, that was a big part of the story, how could one NOT be caught under its veil> MAN, those are some seriously cool and wicked powers. ANd to think, in their world...all it takes is a drop of blood. Alright, i think i prattled on long enough. As always, this is all my opinion, if you want your own read the book. Okay, till next time. Bye