A review by kelleemoye
The Books of Magic by Neil Gaiman


Just like the first book of Neil Gaiman's Sandman series, I was utterly confused during some parts of this graphic novel which probably means it is truly brilliant. Of course it was well written, it is Gaiman, and beautifully illustrated (very Sandmand-esque as well). The book takes you on an adventure through time, space and different worlds, even taking us to the dream land where most of Sandman takes place. I did find, though, that this graphic novel lacked in characterization. I hardly know who anyone truly is. The characters I understand the most are minor characters such as an enchantress named Zatanna. Everyone else is a mystery, but it was a damn good adventure.

One last thing- the only thing I knew about The Books of Magic before I read it is that some people felt that J.K. Rowling took some of Harry Potter's qualities from it. I guess I can see some similarities- Tim and Harry both wear glasses, have an owl, are dealing with magic and good vs. evil; but really the similarities stop there and even the last two similarities are similar when you delve into them.