A review by chelz286
Glorious Boy by Aimee Liu


Claire and Shep have found the opportunity of a life time. Newly married, they are both off headed to a remote penal colony of Andaman Islands. They are going to do field work, an opportunity Claire never thought would happen for her. She will be going there with intent to study tribes that have never really been studied before. Shep is there as a civil surgeon.

Life on the islands us unlike anything they had ever expected, or could have fathomed. They quickly learn that they are the outsiders and are somewhat at the mercy of those on the islanders. They have to prove that they are not there to harm or hurt, but to observe and understand. To help, and learn new things that are probably unknown to anyone else.

Their plans are changed, mostly for Claire when she becomes sick. But it is not sickness, as in an illness but a new birth. They welcome their son Ty into the world and couldn't be happier. But he is different. The way he observes and focuses on things. He often has what seems to be fits and tantrums, and their servant girl Naila is the only one who seems to be able to connect with him intellectually. The two form an unbreakable bond.

 Claire is often the one who has to try and understand Ty, and each day there is frustration as he refuses to speak or attempt to make any sort of talk. But he seems to be able to communicate just fine through facial expressions and through Naila, it is concerning since he is four years old already and should have been babbling for years. Maybe it's just the environment they are in, the tribes. They often speak through the understanding of the earth, and not with physical voices.

One day a quake hits, and Claire and Shep have to be evacuated. Many people are killed, and lots of houses are destroyed. Not only are they are all dealing with the aftermath of this quake, there are rumors of the war nearing. The Japanese are rumored to be nearing this area for the ports. 

They decide they need to leave, so they pack up and Shep gets them passage on a ship. They have to go quick, there is no time to really think things through. The morning of, Shep goes to get everything on the ship, and Claire is frantic. Ty is missing. She can't find him, and heads to the ship to let Shep know. He forces Claire onto the ship, and he stays behind to find their son. How could he do this to her? Forcing a mother to leave the place her son is missing in?

It was a simple misunderstanding - Ty was just with Naila in this secret place she wanted to show him and they fell asleep. With finding that the Japanese has invaded and taken over the island, Shep does what he can to keep Ty and Naila safe. She after all is the one who understands and knows Ty's every need. Sadly, more than it seem this own parents do. Claire is devastated and cannot sit around knowing that all access has been cut off and she has no idea what has happened to her family. 

Will Naila do everything to keep Ty safe with the help of Leyo? Shep after all did tell her she has to be his mother and father to keep him safe, and that is what she will do. Still a child herself, she has to make unimaginable decisions and hope that they will be afforded protection during this war. Is Claire's decisions, a suicide mission? But how far does a mother go to save her child? Did Shep make the right decision by putting Ty in Nalia's protection or is this why he is missing, really missing this time? 

Thank you to the author, and historical fiction virtual book tours for the free book to read and review. I had no idea about the Japanese invading these islands during the war. It was a very interesting, different read.