A review by bkoser
Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software by Scott Rosenberg


“Dreaming in Code” is a glimpse at the world of computer programming, its culture and its history, through the story of the team that built Chandler. Chandler was supposed to be a revolutionary application; instead it cost millions of dollars, took years to build, and was barely used before the company shut down.

Rosenberg tells the story of the team as they build Chandler, explaining terms and relating anecdotes along the way. For someone like me with a degree and five years’ experience in the industry, there’s not much new information, but that didn’t lessen my enjoyment. I’d recommend this book to anyone studying software development, as well as those who are just curious, “What exactly do computer programmers do?”

As Dr. Donald Knuth said, “Software is hard”; by the end of “Dreaming in Code” you’ll have a good grasp on why.