A review by egbella
The Path of Loneliness: Finding Your Way Through the Wilderness to God by Elisabeth Elliot


I have such admiration and respect for Elisabeth Elliot, and this book was just what I hoped it would be. Her accounts of her single and waiting days, being widowed (twice), and all the lessons God's taught her through those events are a very needed reminder that - no matter where we are in life - it's okay. God is there, God is working, and God has a plan. Even when we're unsure and lonely, we can trust that this moment serves a greater purpose. We may not know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future. This book served as timely encouragement to keep the faith and simply focus on walking with God day by day, not being anxious or allowing loneliness to swallow us - but to offer it to God as a sacrifice and trust Him to bring blessings from it.