A review by reads2love
A Wedding for Christmas by Lori Wilde


Oh my stars this was excellent! If you read I'll be Home for Christmas, you are aware of the character in this story. Katie and Gabi did a house swap for the weeks leading up to Christmas. The other book told Gabi's side. A Wedding for Christmas focuses on the other story, Katie. She goes off to LA where a chance encounter with an old friend/flame has her acting a big out of character and hooking up with him. She's tired of being the girl in mourning and is trying to move on with her life. When she returns home to Twilight, she makes some major life changes, starts her own business, sells her yurt, buys a house, and is ready to take on the world. But when Ryder (the one-night-stand) returns, their chemistry is still amazing. He has this reputation as a bad boy who left town and never looked back. He's only returned for his best friend's wedding, which puts him in Katie's path frequently.
There was just so much to love about the story. There's a layer of sadness as they deal with their grief of losing people they love, but they are moving on with their lives. This town is one that I'd love to find and live in. It's such an idyllic small town with their traditions and quirky characters. They go all out for the holiday and it's a lot of fun to read. I didn't want to put it down, and look forward to revisiting Twilight, Texas every Christmas (and maybe the times in between, too.)
I received a copy for review from the publisher. This does not waiver my opinion.