A review by nancyotoole
Dragon Flight by Jessica Day George


The First Dragon War is over. Creel spends her days running her dress shop with her friend Marta, but inside she longs for another adventure. She gets her wish when she hears about an army of dragons forming in the south, with news that they are preparing for an invasion. Creel, with her extensive experience with dragons, is sent away with Marta and Prince Luka. Can Creel find out a way to stop the invasion? And who is truly behind this war?

Dragon Flight is the second book in the Dragon Slippers series written by Jessica Day George. One thing that intrigues me about this series is the fact that the books so resemble the middle grade/young adult books that got me into fantasy in the first place (Tamora Pierce, Gail Carson Levine, Robin McKinley, etc.). As a result, I can’t help but feel almost nostalgic when I read them, despite the fact that the books are completely new to me. Those who enjoyed Dragon Slippers will find much to like in its sequel. Dragon Flight is a fun, fast paced fantasy novel starring a tough minded heroine and a cast of likable characters, both human and dragon.

Unlike Dragon Slippers, in Dragon Flight our heroine does a little globetrotting, which allows George to reveal more of her fantasy world. Like Dragon Slippers, the main concern here is the relationship between humans and dragons. In Dragon Flight, we learned about the history behind this relationship, and how humans in the past and present have enslaved dragons. Creel suspects that this is the true reason behind this invasion. In a way, she is right, but there’s an interesting twist involved. Also like Dragon Slippers, Dragon Flight reads incredibly quickly and is filled with plenty of action. I feel that the series greatest strength so far is its aerial combat sequences, which are so exciting to read. The romance between Creel and Prince Luka continues to be sweet, without distracting the reader from the rest of the story.

Final Thoughts: If you’re looking for a fast fun fantasy read along the lines of Tamora Pierce’s early work, then the Dragon Slippers trilogy is for you. Much like its predecessor, Dragon Flight is a fun, fast paced story of adventure featuring a likable cast of characters. Its sequences of aerial combat are thrilling and its romance is quite sweet. Upon reading this, I immediately began the final book in the trilogy, Dragon Spear, which I plan on reviewing soon.