A review by magikspells
Parasite by Mira Grant


If I had to describe this book, it would be 'eh'. It wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it was just there. I'm totally with the idea that Mira Grant is like my modern day [a:Michael Crichton|5194|Michael Crichton|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1359042651p2/5194.jpg], with all sorts of hospitaly medical biological background to her stories. I live for that! And it makes it fun and interesting. But her ability to create characters with this one just didn't reach out to me as much as they did with the [b:Feed|7094569|Feed (Newsflesh Trilogy, #1)|Mira Grant|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1335958027s/7094569.jpg|7351419] series. I wasn't bored at all, I just wasn't at all surprised by the end. Once it got to about the midway point of the book, I think we'd all just about figured it out. But I'll probably keep reading, I think I'm more interested in the world building than anything else. We shall see.