A review by readingwithjessica_w
Good Girl Fail by Roni Loren


Not for the faint of heart, Good Girl Fail is a polyamorous romance that leans toward erotica. Definitely a pearl-clutcher for those expecting the love scenes to be glossed over, this story follows O’Neal from her sheltered high school life to her enrollment in a secular college. O’Neal has had a longtime crush on her best friend’s brother, Auden, and unbeknownst to her, he has carried a torch for her as well. When O’Neal finds herself needing a rescue from a drunken frat party, Auden quickly comes to her aid. But he’s not alone…and his roommate Lennox is more than happy to drive them home.
This is not your run of the mill smut, but instead is well crafted intentional writing. Roni Loren takes care of her readers, giving them juicy sex scenes coupled with a plot worth reading. There is so much forethought into how these characters take care of each other; what could have easily been two creepy college students coercing a young co-ed, comes off surprisingly as O’Neal’s idea. To aid with that, Samantha Summers does an EXCELLENT job of narrating. She voices O’Neal, Auden, and Lennox perfectly and coupled with Loren’s dialogue, it never felt cringey or forced. Summers has the gift of knowing when to drop her register to a bare whisper or use pacing to make the listener engaged. She also can voice those very spicy scenes with conviction!