A review by ederwin
I Hate the Internet by Jarett Kobek


The words I write here will provide 'content' to a website owned by a major corporation based in SF. They may put advertisements next to it. They may use my words to promote the book. They will use my rating and browsing history to influence which ads they show me. And... I'm ok with that.

Other popular 'social media' websites are the same. While these companies say that they are giving voices to the powerless and improving democracy, etc, the real driving force is still making money off of advertising. The content provided by all of us, in bulk, makes a few people richer, and our use of the products fuels that money transfer. It doesn't matter whether we are talking about fostering positive change, grieving over a tragedy, spreading rumors and hate speech, insulting each other or making threats in comments sections. All the content gets served-up with a side of advertising.

These issues are the major themes of this 'novel'. Other themes include how internet companies and their employees have contributed to significant changes in San Francisco, making it increasingly hard to survive there if you are not rich.

It isn't a very good 'novel'; it even says so itself! It is basically an extended comedic rant with characters and plot thrown in to support the rant. But it is, at most times, quite funny. Especially if, like me, you are have witnessed the changes in SF over the last two decades.

So, hey, I use social media; I work in tech; I use an iPad. There is good in all these things. This novel focuses mostly on the dark sides, but it can really make you laugh, and think, while doing so.

BTW: this book appeared in my mailbox totally unexpectedly. Apparently somebody thought it was my birthday [it isn't] and that I'd like this [I do].