A review by emilydaniel
The Paris Hours by Alex George


OH MY GOODNESS! I just finished this novel and I must say everyone must read it. It is a beautiful blend of historical fiction, drama, and suspense. 

The story follows 4 strangers who do not actually know each other, but by the end, the reader discovers their lives are all intertwined. 

The true beauty of The Paris Hours is the author’s literary techniques. The use of symbolism is quite phenomenal. The writing style is beautiful, and each chapter is perfectly laid out. The cliffhangers allowed me to finish this book in less than 24 hours. Furthermore, the author distinctly wrote each character so uniquely, and I became so attached to their individual plot lines.

This book takes place over the course of one day. I found that unique, and really displayed the talent of the author, to make one day seem so intriguing. 

Each individual character was written so uniquely. Souren is an Armenian refugee, with a sad past and a meaningful career as a puppeteer (when you discover why, and the story behind the puppet characters, you’ll feel so deeply). Guillaume is an indebted artist, and you as the reader become so attached to his story, especially regarding his ex-lover and the chase to pay off his debts. Jean-Paul is a writer with a powerful story of a late wife and a lost child. And Camille is an ex-maid in search of protecting her secret. 

There is also something so magical about a story that takes place in Paris, especially Paris from the past. The setting adds to the story, especially in regard to each of the character’s feeling about the city. 

Overall, I am so glad I was able to find this magical book.