A review by vellichorbee
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson


I have been wanting to read this book for ages and I'm so happy that I finally picked up a copy and got around to it!

The protagonist and voice of this books is a boy named Henry who has been facing challenge after challenge in his life. His boyfriend has recently killed himself, the new boy he is seeing doesn't want to acknowledge his existence, his dad left and he's an outcast at school. Oh, and he also is abducted by aliens frequently.

The book starts with the aliens abducting Henry and them communicating to him that the world is going to end on the 29th of January 2016 unless he pushes a button to stop it. The thing is, unlike what he presumes most people would do - he's not sure the world deserves saving.

Honestly this book was a beautiful exploration of loss and the struggle of trying to find out where you fit in the universe. Henry was a flawed but astoundingly honest and likeable as a character. I would highly recommend this book to everyone because it really amazed me.