A review by dragon_lion64
Untamed by Pamela Clare


These MacKinnon brothers are sexy sexy sexy!

Morgan MacKinnon saved the life of one of his Rangers but was shot down and captured by the French. The French planned to heal him, interrogate him and then hand him over to the Abenaki who will torture him and burn him to death. But then the French ask him to turn traitor. He agreed but only so he can spy on them until he can escape.

Amalie Chauvenet’s father was killed in a battle at Fort Carillon aka Fort Ticonderoga by one of the MacKinnon Rangers. Then Morgan MacKinnon was captured and she had to help nurse him back to health. He is not what she expected. He is honorable and actually wants to hear her opinion on things. She finds herself very drawn to him.

I liked how the romance developed in this story. But I have a complaint. It's not a complaint directed at this story but at romance writers in general. I absolutely hate virgin sex scenes. They make me feel awkward and they are always unrealistic. Nobody believes that these women have orgasms their first time, screaming out their lover's name. By the third time, these way-back-when women have better moves than a porn star. I just don't buy it but every writer does it so I just grit my teeth and bear it.

I'm enjoying these books. I like the history and the characters. I think I am in love with Joseph, the Native American who is like a brother to the MacKinnons. Too bad he doesn't have his own book.

The last book is about the third brother, Connor.