A review by sammii
A Keeper's Destiny by C.A. King


I don't know where to begin with this book. I have so many mixed feelings, to sum it up in one word: Disappointing.

It started out so slow and never really gained enough momentum to keep me fully interested. I was drawn in by the plot, the book sounded exciting and action packed. However I felt that parts of this book dragged and the author unnecessarily repeated certain facts numerous times.

The author has created strong characters and exciting worlds. However I feel that the story lost some of its shine as places and people were over-described.
The book has an interesting story line that I feel could have made an enthralling story, but as it is, this book is a good read but nothing memorable. The one thing I really loved was that this book ended in a cliff-hanger. Cliff-hangers leave me needing to what happens to all the characters, and there are a lot!
Although I am still undecided whether I will read more of this series.