A review by hgranger
Curse on the Land by Faith Hunter


Things I liked:
- The police drama and interaction between the team members
- the (still unknown) different super natural that Nell is. It’s entertaining because it hasn’t been done a thousand times before
- Rick — the character; not his current (and past several books situation. FIX IT FOR HIM Faith!! He doesn’t deserve this.
- Nell’s relationship with her family
- it’s entertaining and the plot is pretty good

Things i disliked:
- the length of the book. Does she have a minimum word count??? Because there was so many repetitive phrases in there; like telling us Nell can’t dance, or giving us backstory multiple times IN THE SAME BOOK. Shorten it by tightening up. Makes for a much better read.
- along that same line, the repetitions of actions also make the plot move along at a glacial pace and doesn’t advance the story
- inconsistencies in writing. That always bugs me; an example is Nell’s description of Pea when they’re in the locker room and Nell mentions that Pea has opposable thumbs. A few pages later Nell notices “for the first time” that Pea has opposable thumbs.
- many instances of multiple sentences in the same paragraph beginning with “but”
- the amount of times something is at the top of Nell’s tongue/ right outside the grasp of her thoughts/ close but not quite in her conscious thought. (It’s a lot if you’re wondering)
- Tandy’s character development. Completely unprovoked and odd
- the fact that Nell won’t deal with Ephraim or whatever his name is. She keeps postponing it as if ignoring an evil entity under your land is like procrastinating cleaning out a closet.
- Rick not being with Jane. Ugh!! (Don’t get me started on how I feel about Bruiser 😡)

So all in all, an easy read for entertainment with some issues that could have been better.