A review by literary_steph
A Whisper in the Dark by K.J. Sutton, Jessi Elliott


I came across both authors page on Instagram and I was intrigued by this vampire-romance series.

I really like this take on vampires, humans and mythical creatures. I like that everything is explained efficiently, and the world building is very simple. There's a color coded caste system amongst the vampires. The humans in this world are oppressed but they don't have it as bad as the half breeds (1/2 human/vamp) which give me dystopian vibes.

I instantly liked Charlie. At first she seemed like the typical entitled princess, but she surprised me. She's flawed, intriguing and I love that I got to see the vulnerable side of her. When she's banished to the Sewer sector, her fall from royalty, the struggle and keeping her thirst in check felt palpable.

This volume is short and I was bummed when I got to the end. I'm definitely continuing because this series has potential. I want to learn more about the characters and the Weepers. I also sense some romantic tension, hopefully there's more of that in the next volume.