A review by melstylensubstance
Puck Pact by Kristen Granata


Alexander Krum is a man. I swooned often in this book. He is possibly the most well rounded hero I have ever read. He is a cinnamon roll - like textbook. And he fully unlocked my competence kink. Any man who watches you tube tutorials to learn a new skill to improve himself is A+.

The kindness and understanding in this man, just staahhhhhhp. And Aarya just doesn’t believe that anyone - let alone a hot rich man - can be kind and thoughtful just because that’s his natural state - hurts my head. It makes me feel really sad for her.

But her past trauma is what makes me believe her “clown phase” - meaning she’s in love but won’t acknowledge it and keeps falling back on the “but it’s a marriage of convenience, this will end”. The author makes it so crystal clear why this is how Aarya thinks. And I believe it 100%.

And Alex is just smitten with her from the start. How he demonstrated through action, not only words - was key. My swoopy feelings appeared several times for this man before a physical relationship even entered the chat.

And Alex’s grandfather is a piece of garbage human.

I am so glad the HEA for Alex and Aarya includes his dream of raising his own children in the family villa. The villa was the “romance reason” for the MOC,and Aarya accepted that she actually DID want kids and a family, and Alex was able to do it with her.