A review by dj68
Everything's Eventual by Stephen King


The last King book I read before this, was 'Bag of Bones', which I absolutely loved. But this...the opening story, 'Autopsy Room Four', was quite funny; the next one, 'The Man in the Black Suit', could have been so much more, but still delivered a few chills. The title story was somewhat interesting, and 'That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is In French' had an interesting idea...but none of them quite delivered *the punch*. I didn't read 'The Little Sisters of Eluria', since I never gave a hoot about King's Dark Tower-series, and I read 'Riding the Bullet' a couple of yeas ago, and couldn't bear going through it again...it's utter crap! Mr King has written a good deal of great books, but if you wanna read his short stories, go for 'Night Shift' or 'Skeleton Crew'. This one doesn't do him - or the readers - any justice.