A review by red_sky
Finding Home by Sutton Bishop, Sutton Bishop



It's a chilly October night, the day before Halloween. I got to the mailbox and there is a package inside. I haven't ordered anything that I can remember. I did not recognize the return address. All of these factors have left me pretty confused.

I slice open the package and much to my surprise it was a copy of Finding Home! I was absolutely shocked. I had joined the Goodreads giveaway for the book so I went to scour my email for a notification that I had won. I had no such email. I can only assume the author had chosen to send out the copy on their own. Not only that but the book was signed and included bookmarks and had an ARC sticker on the cover! 

I could not contain my excitement!! I was supposed to be cooking pumpkin seeds with my husband from our recently carved jack-o-lanterns, however I was so focused on the book and researching how it showed up at the house and talking about it excitedly that I didn't even realize he finished washing the seeds, seasoning them, and cooking them before I noticed! 

Thank you so much to Sutton Bishop for sending me this book!  I wish I could articulate how much I appreciate it and how much it means to me. I will always prize my copy and it will be displayed on my bookshelf with pride!

As for the actual review:

The first thing I want to talk about is more on the con side, which is the tone. I struggled with it. It seemed to be all over the place. At first the book was light and fun with just a girl and her friends and maybe a new guy. Then for the next bit it was spicy, which surprised me btw, haha, I couldn't tell from the cover. Those things took up about the first 1/3rd of the book. The next third was all fighting and angst and tragedy. Then the last third was accidents, injury, and anger. It was all over the board. 

For some pros! 

I love her cat Rad! My cat Moog sits with me while I read and Rad reminds me a lot of him. That's it, I just love her cat! 

I am so jealous of Emory's friend group. That is something I have always wanted and reading her story let me share them for a while

Also, what's the deal with the sour cream donuts? That just doesn't sound good haha

There were endless descriptions of food in the story. Not necessarily a pro or con, but based on the note at the end it seems that this is somewhat of a staple in Bishop's writing. 

These people are all obsessed with coffee! No shade because I am also obsessed. But damn. This brings it to a whole new level! These characters can't do anything without a cup of coffee in hand! Multiple cups (again, same) that they are constantly talking about to each other! I need a coffee buddy from Pinon Ridge because I need someone to share this addiction with and they all are perfect for the job! 

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