A review by cathiedalziel
Genesis by Bernard Beckett


Oh my God!! WTF!! (What the Future!)

A philosophy book based on the future, rooted in Aristotle, Plato's Republic and Socratic thoughts.
The Original Sin is revealed at the end ... and I'm not telling you what it is.

This book had so many wonderful thought-idea-provoking passages that it surely going on my physical bookshelf at home. I got a copy from the library for this read, but this is one book I know I will go back to many times.


(How can I go back to trying to finish up "How To Eat a Cupcake" or the Bachman biography I'm in the middle of now, after reading a novel of this magnitude?...)

A small novel, but very powerful; it left my jaw dropping at the end of the story. I tell everyone it is a must read; I gave it 5 stars.

This book had so many wonderful thought-idea-provoking passages. I didn't see the ending coming in this one. Worth the read, just for the surprise. Lots of food-for-thought, philosophy-style. Very short, interesting book, with an intriguing format.

Which came first, the mind or the idea of the mind? Have you never wondered? They arrived together. The mind is an idea. ~Genesis

In the end, living is defined by dying ~Genesis

Time for lots of fresh air...Help us all on this path of evolution.