A review by andimontgomery
Frost Moon by Anthony Francis


For a limited time, this book is FREE on the Kindle. 

I loved this book from the very beginning. The writing was fluid, the descriptions were vivid, and the characters were likable. 

I am surprised that a man wrote a main female character so well. I really liked Dakota. She may look tough (at 6'2" with a black and purple Mohawk), but she's really soft-hearted and very protective of her friends. She also has an amazing ability to draw magical tattoos on people that MOVE. 

That creative twist really grabbed my attention. And to top it off, someone is killing tattooed individuals. Dakota fears not only for her former clients, but also for herself.  I won't give you too many other details for fear of spoiling the story, but trust me, this story is worth reading.

Having lived in Atlanta for 3-1/2 years, I loved being able to relive some of my favorite places through this book, like The Vortex, my absolute fave burger place, and Junkman's Daughter and Psycho Sisters, two of the coolest stores I have ever visited. 

Highly recommended!