A review by 5ton3
Your Plan for Natural Scoliosis Prevention and Treatment: Health In Your Hands (Second Edition) by Kevin Lau D. C.


While this book undoubtedly could change many of the readers' life for the better, I question the scientific validity of some of the topics covered.

Dr. Kevin Lau believes in the Metabolic Typing (MT) diet program, without really going deep into details of why and how it works.
MT has received a lot of skepticism, being accused of not being backed up by science and being potentially harmful. While the MT diet should be much healthier than a diet based on highly-processed foods, I would strongly recommend doing some research before deciding to diving in to the program yourself. I also believe there are better alternatives out there, with scientific backing.

I would say the book is mainly aimed at people living a sedentary lifestyle with a diet mainly based on highly-processed foods (fast foods etc.). These people will obviously get huge health benefits from eating less processed foods, and from the exercises outlined in the book. But Dr. Lau pays little attention to people who are already fit and are eating healthy, but who are still suffering from ailments caused by scoliosis. For instance, many of the exercises outlined in the book are trivial for a medium- to highly-trained individual. That being said, there are some of the corrective exercises, mainly stretches, body alignment exercises and trigger point releases that could prove to do some good, even for the fit and healthy segment.

As a scoliotic, I would recommend this book if and only if you read it with a healthy skepticism. It is nice for mapping out and identifying your scoliosis, and distortions throughout your body, and it describes and visualizes many corrective exercises that you could potentially benefit from.