A review by echoingbooks
Easy Charm by Kristen Proby


And now I have a sexy, single man living under my roof for God knows how long, being nice to my son, tucking my hair behind my ear, and I’m going to die from sexual frustration.

OH… MY….. GODS….. This book was was absolute perfection! I didn’t think that it was possible that I could love this book more than Easy Love but I loved it even more! This book was so sweet and charming and there was some very hot scenes. I devoured this book faster than Easy Love. Don’t get me wrong I loved Easy Love as well but wow the story of Rhys and Gabby was just so sweet and loving and I had this goofy smile on my face when ever Rhys made Gabby feel special. I also adored how Rhys loved Sam nearly from the beginning, safe was so cute and adorable and very smart for a seven year old. :P I had such high expectations for this book because it’s Kristen Proby and as always she surpassed all my expectations! Emotional , sexy, and sweet, Easy Charm is the whole package.

“If you think I’m going to ruin my life because you can’t keep your legs together you have another thing coming.”
“Excuse me?” I jump to my feet and bury my finger in his chest, royally pissed off now.
“There were two of us there, Colby. I’m no slut. You were my first.”
“So you said.”

If you haven’t figured out that this book is about Gabby…. then you need to use your eyes :P Gabby is the youngest in the Boudreaux family and she got pregnant at a very young age. Sam’s farther never wanted a kid so he cut ties with her the moment he found out. That was a real jackass move and if I was one of Gabby’s siblings then I would have kicked his ass for what he did. I am very happy that Gabby kept Sam because he is just such a sweetheart that loves his mommy very much. Gabby had her entire family to support her unconditionally but she never had someone to love again until Rhys walked into her inn. Gabby owns a inn where Rhys decided to live at until his arm got better. He hurt it while playing baseball and he needed to get it all healed up so he can play at the next season. Baseball is his life so he never expected to find someone like Gabby but the moment he saw her from his car, he knew he wanted her. Both of them feel that attraction, but Gabby knows his stay is temporary. No sense setting herself up to fall again. But that doesn’t make her want him like crazy.

“I’ve done nothing but what I’m supposed to. I am a damn good mom, and I’m damn good at running this inn, and damn it, if I want to kiss a man, I’ll damn well do it.”

Rhys is just so smitten with her, it was instant but it was not just her – he is was crazy about Sam as well. Which should be perfect for a single mother like Gabby. But who would not worry about Sam and Gabby getting attached to Rhys. Her brothers worried a lot. You can say all of them are very over protective and Gabby did not like it that much…. She felt like that all they saw was that she is still that very young baby in the family but her brothers and Rhys saw so much more. When ever her brothers were like that Rhys would stand up for her and earn more respect from her brothers. But Rhys is a good guy and won the brothers over in the end :) It’s going to take a lot of time and kisses and support for Rhys to convince Gabby he’s here to stay. Especially when he needs to leave unexpectedly and Gabby thinks he’s running scared.

“Men leave.” I raise my head and look him right in the eyes. “Men leave. I don’t trust that any man is going to stick around for any significant length of time, Rhys. Because they don’t.”

Thankfully this book has a very sweet HEA…. I loved this book so much and like Easy Love the book has an epilogue with that was not Rhys or Gabby but actually Declan. Which mean his book is next and I can’t wait. Even though this book just got released still means I want Declan’s book now! My heart beats for all the sexy men Kristen writes about! I need to get myself an Eli or Rhys!!

“When you smile in that sweet way you do just for me, I swear I can see the next fifty years of my life.”
