A review by octavia_cade
Midnight Days by Neil Gaiman


A collection of largely unrelated odds and ends written by Neil Gaiman - mostly comics, but there's one short graphic novel in here. I've given it three stars because I think it's the rough average of what I thought of the individuals pieces, though I've tended to give the novel more weight I think. Anyway, there were a couple of four stars reads that I really enjoyed. "Sandman Midnight Theatre" is the graphic novel piece, and it's atmospheric and creepy as most of the Sandman works are. Gaiman talks in his introduction to it about the nine pages of party talk, and as an example of largely irrelevant background work they're outstanding - I'd happily read an entire comic of this type of thing, I don't care how trivial it is! Credit to the artists working on this one too, there's a sort of muted submarine palette that almost looks crayoned in places. It's the pick of the artwork in the collection, although the art in the second four star read, "Hold Me", is also impressive. This short little comic is sad and creepy and touching, no wonder it has the reputation that it does.

The remainder, sorry to say, is unremarkable. Two stars for every other piece collected here, but both "Midnight Theatre" and "Hold Me" make Midnight Days well worth reading.