A review by rkking
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 by L. Ron Hubbard


 While always curious about this sci-fi epic, for years and years I avoided it due to its supposed connections to Scientology. The AWFUL movie didn't help matters either. But then I came upon having an extra credit available in my audible account, and not having a clear idea of what to listen to next, I chose Battlefield Earth due to the length (a whopping 45+ hrs!) and thought I'd perhaps at least get my money's worth time wise.
I was not disappointed.
Despite misgivings related to Hubbard and Scientology, Battlefield Earth really has nothing in it tying to it. It's not propaganda at all. It's actually a pretty darn good sci-fi epic.
The audiobook in particular impressed the hell out of me. Multiple cast members reading distinctive characters, accompanied orchestral music, and more, all add up to quite the production.
And the story itself I actually really enjoyed...until the half way point.
The first half, the story of mankind's desperate fight against the Psychlos and the cat-and-mouse between Tyler and Terl, were great. But then that story sort of end half way through and become something else entirely, of which I wasn't so much a fan. It got political in ways that reminded me of Star Wars Ep 1 The Phantom Menace, and it's content that bored me.
Due to the amazing production value and really great first half I give 4 stars, but it loses out on the extra star do to the meandering 2nd half that really could have been a second book...if at all.

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