A review by kara_hildebrand
Hold You Close by Corinne Michaels, Melanie Harlow


Hold You Close is a second chance standalone romance by two incredible authors. Corinne Michaels and Melanie Harlow have been added to my list of fantastic duos! Separately these ladies bring the feels, but together it was absolute magic.
Ian and London have a past. One that didn't end well and has caused their relationship to be full of a lot of hate and animosity. Too bad they live across the backyard and she gets to watch his carefree lifestyle play out before her eyes. When tragedy strikes Ian and London have to learn to work together to raise his nieces and nephew. It's yelling, screaming and fighting from the get go. That line between hate and love is so fine that it quickly morphs into flirting, innuendo and a few hot as hell kisses. London never stopped loving Ian but it was easier to hate than admit her feelings. Ian never stopped loving London, but it's more fun to annoy her. Can these stop fighting long enough to get to the good stuff? Will they be honest with each other before they lose each other for good? I loved this story! The fighting was so fantastic. They both equally yelled and screamed and didn't hold back. It was the best form of foreplay I've ever read! I was cheering for London while raging mad at Ian. And then I was cheering for Ian and wanted to bitch slap London. Ian was perfection because he knew he was an asshole! He knew everything he was doing and knew it was wrong but just couldn’t stop himself. London was a crazy bitch and let her emotions get the better of her, but she knew she was doing it. Even amongst the fighting and insult throwing, they were also sympathetic and caring. It was a crazy ass ride and I loved every word, every second, every fight, and every touch. Christopher, Morgan and Ruby were fantastic kids with awesome personalities. And they were very insightful! Overall, I laughed, cried, got hot and bothered, got mad, was on the edge of my seat and cheered!

"Only you could be a dick and a gentleman at the same time."

"The next time I kiss you, London Parish, it's be because you beg me to."

London represents everything I've ever wanted but didn't deserve.

"Good. Can I get you a glass of wine?
"What does this expression say?"
"Ian Chase is a fucking god amongst men."
"Good Lord, your ego is massive."
"Almost as big as my - "

"Yes, but then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to get told what to do, and I just love that."
"I hate you."
"You only wish you did, baby."
Then the jerkface slaps my ass.