A review by yharnam
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao


3.5 and I can't really decide whether to round up or down but I like giant mechs so I'm rounding up.
edit: actually i think i love this book

I think this book is fun and sufficiently interesting with it's world and characters. It is very, very blunt most of the time with it's feminist messaging. There really is no subtlety about it at any point. Zetian was a bit too concise with her opinions... but maybe this is all a nitpick. I could sort of get over it, because it's not like it doesn't make sense. It's just delivered very bluntly that's all. Uncreatively.

Something I've seen a few criticize is how Zetian has come to the conclusions that she has made. How is she so "liberated" when seemingly no one else is? Not to argue with any reviews, I really am not trying to, but I did read them first and kind of expected this to be the case going in, but it wasn't? She was always rebellious in her ways, but she was for the most part still conforming within her life and putting up with the abuse from her family because she had no real choice. It's clear that it's her sister's murder that basically pushes her over the edge.

However, all of this development could be explored much, much better, which is why this book teeters between a 3 star and a 4 star for me. I also feels like they are just telling us stuff at times. I feel like there just could have been more. Not just for Zetian, but basically every character.

I liked the love triangle turning into a poly throuple. I was pleasantly surprised there wasn't much jealousy and drama before they realize they can just all be a thing, because I was soooo afraid there would be. I don't know why. I guess I assumed they would follow the same tropes up until that point. So thank you, Xiran Jay Zhao, for not making these boys cringely fight over Zetian. No petty looks, no scowls, no arguments...

But just like the general character development in this book, it also feels like it's missing time to develop.

It's at least not a love at first sight problem. You don't witness Zetian and Yizhi meet in "real-time", just her memories of it. For Li Shimin... no.. it's far from love at first sight. In fact, I really really wish there was more time to develop the relationship between Zetian and Shimin into love. It never feels like she gets beyond having some compassion for him (which is a piece of development that I think is mostly shown well) before suddenly (I guess?) loving him and wanting to consummate their match. I personally feel like there would be a few more steps between those things.
SpoilerI also hate that she's like, pretty deeply injured during the consummation... Makes it kind of weird? How could that possibly have been comfortable regardless of how gentle you might try to be....

Most of all though, I wish that somehow, there had been more development between Yizhi and Shimin. You get precious few moments that show some feelings exist or may be manifesting, mostly from Yizhi (
SpoilerYizhi sort of seems excited to meet Shimin, he obviously finds him at least fascinating and admirable. He stays really devotedly by Shimin's side when he's having withdrawal. He continues to care for and prepare his medicine.
), but it doesn't feel like enough. And you never see a growth in feelings from Shimin towards Yizhi. Just makes me a little sad because it feels a little unearned. Maybe the excuse is that this is Zetian's perspective... but still...

Anyway, for the rest of it. I like the worldbuilding. I know not a lot is fully revealed here but it is all hinted and it's obviously set-up to uncover the layers of why these systems are the way they are, and the true reason they are fighting the Hunduns. I feel the anime strongly here, because it's soooo typical that you learn "the truth" slowly, sometimes in the last few episodes. Sometimes in an OVA. Not a bad thing entirely at all, to me at least. I'm just not surprised that our characters learn very little about the true workings of their world in this first book. I think they learn enough to catch my attention, and the things that (I hope) are hints and crumbs for more mysteries are intriguing.

It also does annoy me that Zetian has very few positive moments with other women. I hope that changes in future books...

Basically, I like it. It has many issues, but it's still fun, and what's there is still good. Just wish things were developed better with more attention to detail. I'm excited for more, and hope that the next book expands on the world and gives the characters more development, including the side characters.