A review by theromancedove
Devil's Cut by J.R. Ward


4 “Bourbon, Kentucky, Lies and Love” stars

Wow! Just wow! If this is how the Warden does finales…I’m on fucking board ya’ll!

Ok so Devils Cut takes place right after Angel’s Share (The second installment in the trilogy) so I can’t say much on the plot because it’s all just a continuous spoiler at this point.

I’ll start off by saying that this is the first time The Warden has given us a finale…her other series are still going on so that’s was a new thing for her and it didn’t disappoint.

A lot of people are hesitant in picking this up, because it’s so unlike her other series and also because they’re just used to JR ruling and rocking the PNR world.

But honestly, this series just cannot be missed. Period. FULL STOP.

I enjoyed this immensely! The first chapter was gripping and engrossing. JR’s magnificent atmosphere building made an appearance in this book, as usual; so all three books are of the same quality in writing. This book is very much..a last book it just feels like you’re at the end of puzzle and you think you already know everything you need to know and then BAM another reveal BAM BAM BAMMM. This book was nonstop REVEALS so many secrets that were being kept throughout the first 2 books reached their peak in this book. There was no lapse and no warning its just reveal, secret reveal, her reveal, his reveal….oh you thought this ….SYKE ..oh you thought you knew he was..oh SKYEEEEEEE oh you think I’ve surprised you well guess again. That’s is was I think JR’s inner monologue was like while writing lol.

This book focuses a lot on the whole Samuel T stuff (I’m being vague because or spoilers) and I’m very happy how everything turned out but I do feel like this was such a big part of this book that other couples’ HEA had to be compromised. For example, Edward and Sutton, out of all the couples in this series, this one is near and dear to my heart. Compared to the destruction and dysfunctional angst of Gin and Samuel T and the Romeo and Juliet romance of Liz and Lane; Edward and Sutton transcend all of them. They were the only couple who was never a couple and the tension is amazing, coupled with Edwards current state..oh my. Every Edward and Sutton POV in all three books I was at the edge of my seat and with this book I couldn’t wait to see the progression to their HEA..but all we got was 1 fucking meeting between them and then the next was the HEA>..wtf excuse me…QUE that was so disappointing! I wanted so much more. Don’t get me wrong I’m over the moon that they’re finally together and happy but damn we got so much of liz and lane and even wayyy more of Max and Tanesha ( Max who just showed up in the end of the last book!!!) and just that little bit of the best couple..hands down..I was aggravated to say the least. I was going to 3 stars until the book made me cry.

JR really threw some curve balls with this book, you can so tell that everything was nicely planned before she even wrote the first book.
Yea, I cried twice. Each time at the Samuel T story line; it was very personal to me and it was all just amazing. Its sad that I won’t ever get to read about the Bradfords, there is defiantly potential for a spin off or novellas with so many couples but this conclusion was top notch so good. If you’ve been waiting for the series to be complete before starting…you have no excuse now..Go and DEVOUR.