A review by ameserole
This Is Our Story by Ashley Elston



This Is Our Story has been on my TBR for over 2 years. No idea why 2020 was the year for me to dive into books on my TBR but I'm not mad one freaking bit. It's high time I take on that massive beast and defeat multiple books that need to be read/reviewed!

Now this book was so addicting. I loved the whole idea of 5 guys going into the woods and only 4 are coming back. Obviously someone was murdered.. and someone was the murderer... BUT WHO? It's no surprise that I'm an awful detective when it comes to listening to or reading books. So, when Kate - who is a senior at the same public high school the 4 boys now attend - is an intern at the DA office.. well, it wasn't a surprise to me that she wanted to figure it all out.

This book had it's fair share of drama, twists, and tons of turns. It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat up to the very last word. People weren't you initially thought they were and so many things weren't adding up until the very last chapter.

It's safe to say that I loved this book so much.