A review by clowdywings
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones


A spectacular book about magic. I love Jones's world that she carefully created. If I couldn't read Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, I would read this.

Sophie is a precise character. She likes cleanliness and order but doesn't quite think things through all the way. In 98% of the book, exceptions being the start and finish, she has a nasty curse casted on her. She's new to magic, but that doesn't stop her from doing what she set out to do.

Howl is such a flamboyant person. Sophie described his magic as "slap-dash" which also matches his personality. He is a fun character, but is cowardly, falls in love too quickly, and throws tantrums like a diva would.

I really enjoyed the overall story. It was deep and complex but it was laid out in such a enjoyable way. I can tell that Jones perfected her writing and really likes writing. It says in the dedication she was inspired by a boy's suggestion of a moving castle. She created a splendid magical world that is sure to charm you.


The Studio Ghibli adaptation of this is similar but doesn't quite match. It takes a few elements from the book and uses it in the movie. The beginning is very similar to the book's, which is fun. It really is its own thing though so the comparison is going to be limited. I suggest it though! If you haven't read the book, I suggest watching the movie. If you haven't seen the movie but read the book, I suggest the movie.