A review by romankurys
The Scions of Shannara by Terry Brooks


So while I though the first Trilogy good, this has been GREAT! A fantastic ride through a good adventure courtesy of Terry Brooks.

I really love how he continually brings up events from the last 3 books in a non invasive manner that flows well with the story and also at the same time serves as a reminder of the times in the past. This has made it much easier to get immersed in the story and plenty of times I found hours slip by unnoticed and had to make myself stop reading to go on about my day.

This books continues in the manner that made the previous trilogy great. If you're looking for deep political intrigues of Dune or lots of backstabbing ways of the Song of Fire and Ice, this series is not it.

However, if you're looking for a good adventure with plenty of unexpected turns in plot and just pure raw Essence of an adventure, this right here, is worth the time.

I learned to appreciate Brooks' ability to entwined descriptions, thoughts of characters and dialogue into a seemless story telling that is very immersive and at the same time does t require a dictionary every 5 pages.

If you like fantasy genre, this is definitely a great read, and I'll definitely be reading the next part in my future reading adventures ;)

Roman "Ragnar"