A review by booksinblossom
The Bi-ble: An Anthology of Personal Essays About Bisexuality by Lauren Nickodemus


In these short personal essays bi/pan people share their stories, helping our voices to be heard and our identities to be seen. This intersectional selection show the variety and diversity of a sexual identity that is often erased.

From the first page I knew this book would have a powerful impact on me. I realized how much I needed to read these stories, experiences and quests for self-discovery to put my own feelings into fitting words. Personally, I struggled to realize and understand same-sex attraction in a heteronormative world. For too long, I sat on the side-lines, and didn’t consider myself part of the LGBTQ+ community. I felt like an outsider, didn’t fit into heteronormative society norms and the idea of a ‘right’ or ‘ideal’ type of LGBTQ+ identity.

This book is very empowering. I feel relieved that I can still retain my own sexual identity, regardless of the gender of my future partner(s). Because their gender doesn’t make a difference in how I feel. Unfortunately, it sometimes makes a difference in how other people will react to my feelings.

Important note: The focus on the label bisexuality instead of pansexuality could annoy a lot of people. Because if you define ‘bi’ as being attracted to both women and men than it implies exclusion. For me and many others, bi means being attracted to ‘the same gender as yourself, and others’.