A review by booksandladders
Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler


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Content Warning: on-screen sex, underage drinking, drugs, racism, parental neglect, homophobia

This wasn't any better after having read the first book. My past self that DNFed at 6% was right and I should never doubt myself and my reviews of things that I didn't like.

Original Review: May 31, 2019; Rating: 2 stars
DNF @ 6%

This is a case of "I went in expecting something different than what I got" and has nothing to do with the book itself. Because I have loved Dahlia's other writing and work but this one just didn't pick up for me right away. Maybe because I have read her New Adult and that was what I was expecting? Did I somehow become a fan of NA???? Anyway!

This just wasn't for me at all and I hope other people enjoy it!

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